Centre for Sustainability

Professional networks

To successfully inform the design of effective public policies for sustainability, we engage with experts and practitioners in the field of climate and energy. We not only want our research to be practice oriented, but also encourage organisations and entrepreneurs from the sustainability sector to connect closer with academics.

The Energy and Environment Network (HEEN) is an international network of experts promoting a sustainable energy future, based on trust, openness and curiosity, by facilitating active dialogue, knowledge exchange and professional development. At the moment, we comprise around 200 members all across Europe. We organise bi-yearly workshops on the most relevant topics of the day related to energy, environment and climate change, by bringing together our members with relevant international experts from the business, government, academic and NGO sector. HEEN is supported by the Hertie Fellows & Friends programme of the Hertie Foundation. 

Strommarkttreffen is an open network of energy experts based in Germany, working at universities or research institutes, in ministries or consulting companies, in think tanks or associations, with network operators or energy suppliers. The focus of this community lies in energy policy, the electricity market and the energy system. By exchanging knowledge and experience, we want to make research more practice-relevant and practical decisions more scientifically sound. 

The Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Germany promotes sustainable development in Germany, the EU and at the international level and is funded by the Federal Environment Ministry. It works in a cross sectoral manner and acts as a platform bringing together perspectives by leading German scientific organisations, civil society (science-civil society-policy interface) and businesses.