
Prof. Cathryn Costello discusses the EU response to protection seekers from Ukraine and the potential and limits of ‘matching platforms’

The discussion was hosted on 27 April by the School of Transnational Governance at the EUI as part as the Global PeaceTech Talk series.

This panel discussion, bringing together experts on the design and implementation of preference matching systems, focused on the potential role of preference matching systems to reform European asylum policy. Panel members Alexander Teytelboym, Professor at the University of Oxford and co co-founder of Refugees AI, Ariel Procaccia, Professor of Computer Science at Harvard University, Cathryn Costello, Professor for Fundamental Rights at the Hertie School and Co-Director of the School’s Centre for Fundamental Rights, and Zakaria Al Shmaly, Master student at the EUI School of Transnational Governance, discussed the opportunity and challenges of using matching theories and new technologies to facilitate the distribution of Ukrainian refugee across European states and enhancing their choices of accommodation and work opportunities. Professor Costello emphasizes the distinctiveness of the EU response to protection seekers from Ukraine, and that any matching system ought to ensure greater choice for refugees, not less.

Watch the full discussion here: