
Coping Strategies: Domestic and International Courts in Times of Backlash

This online symposium, co-organised by the Centre for Fundamental Rights and Verfassungsblog, offers a comparative account of how domestic and regional human rights courts across the globe have been dealing with attacks on constitutional democracy, fundamental rights and the rule of law.


The Centre for Fundamental Rights is hosting an online symposium on Verfassungsblog on 'Coping Strategies: Domestic and International Courts in Times of Backlash' to offer a comparative account of how domestic and regional human rights courts across the globe have been dealing with attacks on constitutional democracy, fundamental rights and the rule of law.

This symposium brings together eminent scholars and practitioners addressing the ‘coping strategies’ of courts in Brazil, Hungary, Poland, Turkey, United Kingdom and the United States alongside the European Court of Human Rights and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. Readers of the symposium are thus offered a broad and comparative picture of how courts address the dilemma described above in contexts that have received varied pressures under populist, illiberal and authoritarian practices.

New contributions will be added daily from 26 - 30 September.

Follow the symposium on Verfassungsblog here.