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Varieties of welfare states: Europe - Asia

Symposium in honour of Stein Kuhnle.

Stein Kuhnle teaches comparative social policy and welfare state reform at the Hertie School and comparative politics at the University of Bergen (Norway). He holds a cand. polit. degree from the University of Bergen and has been teaching there as a Professor of Comparative Politics since 1982. He has directed the Department of Comparative Politics for many years. He is currently serving as honorary professor at the Centre for Welfare State Research at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense, and as honorary professor at Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China. As visiting scholar and professor, he has done research and given seminars at the University of California, Berkeley, the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), the European University Institute in Florence, the University of Mannheim and at the Australian National University in Canberra.

More about the Symposium

The welfare state is a European invention with global reach. While the welfare state has historically evolved into different forms in Europe, we are witnessing its globalisation. Alongside this process, social policy innovations appear in emerging economies. At the same time, the global financial crisis and demographic changes put both established and emerging welfare states under severe stress. Therefore, the future financial and political sustainability of welfare states is a prominent agenda point for decision makers.

Helmut K. Anheier
Göran Persson
Klaus Hurrelmann
Will Arts


9:30 – Opening Remarks by the Dean

Helmut K. Anheier, Dean and President, Hertie School, Berlin


Stein Kuhnle, Resident Senior Fellow, Professor Emeritus, former Professor of Public and Financial Management, Hertie School, Berlin

10:00 – Keynote

Göran Persson, former Prime Minister of Sweden

11:00 – Panel I: The European Welfare State in Perspective

Chair: Anke Hassel, Hertie School
Presentations: Sven Hort, Seoul National University
Discussant: Will Arts, University of Tilburg

14:00 – Panel II: The Nordic Model

Chair: Stein Kuhnle, Hertie School
Presentations: Joakim Palme, University of Uppsala
Anette Borchorst, University of Aalborg
Discussant: Ellen Immergut, Humboldt University Berlin

16:00 – Panel III: East Asia: Reinventing the Welfare State

Chair: Steffen Mau, University of Bremen
Presentations: Chunrong Liu, Fudan University
Huck-ju Kwon, Seoul National University
Discussant: Lutz Leisering, University of Bielefeld

17:30 – Concluding Remarks and Acknowledgment