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Schengen at the crossroads

(c) Delors Institut – Berlin/Thomas Lobenwein

Three decades after the ratification of the Schengen Agreement, one of the greatest and most valued accomplishments of European integration is at risk.

Growing migratory flows from the Southern neighbourhood have put the border-free Schengen zone under immense pressure. A range of member states have temporarily reintroduced internal border controls while Eurosceptic voices demanding a ‘Schexit' are growing louder. Can the Schengen zone in its current form survive the ‘refugee crisis’? What changes and reforms are needed to make it more resilient? How can we move towards a deep and integrated European asylum system? We invited a range of high-level speakers, decision makers and experts from Germany and other EU member states to discuss these and other questions related to the future of the Schengen area.

Bi-annual conference with, among others:

Peter Altmaier, Head of the Federal Chancellery, Federal Minister for Special Tasks

António Vitorino, former EU Commissioner for Justice and Home Affairs; President, Jacques Delors Institute

Emily Haber, State Secretary, Federal Ministry of the Interior

Henrik Enderlein, Director, Jacques Delors Institut – Berlin; Associate Dean and Professor, Hertie School

Dieter Janecek, MdB, Spokesman for Economic Policy of the Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Parliamentary Group

Michael Roth, Minister of State for Europe, Federal Foreign Office

The conference was held in English and German with simultaneous translation into the respective other language. 

This event took place in cooperation with the Jacques Delors Institut - Berlin.