Master of Public Policy  

Project design and management for development projects

This projects course gives a hands-on introduction to the design and management of development projects. It is taught in collaboration with 'Paeradigms' – a social enterprise and NGO located in Switzerland that focuses on projects in the field of higher education ( The course introduces students to theoretical concepts relevant for project work (such as development, the relevant OECD principles, the 'funders landscape', needs-based approaches, equitable partnership relations, capacity development, etc.). It also focuses on real-world requirements such as 'theories of change', 'logframe' design, workplans, budgeting, MEAL systems (monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning), etc. As a core assignment, students are supposed to design their own project proposals over the course of the semester – unfolding and developing them along with covering the respective topics.

This course is for 1st year MPP students only.
