
Hertie School mourns the passing of Kurt Biedenkopf

Former Premier of Saxony was founding father of the university and its inaugural Chair of the Board of Trustees.

Berlin, 13 August 2021

The Hertie community mourns the passing of Prof. Dr. Kurt Biedenkopf. Biedenkopf was integral to the development of the Hertie School, serving as the university’s inaugural Chair of the Board of Trustees from 2003 until 2010 and since then as Honorary Chairman. With his constant support, Biedenkopf helped to shape the Hertie School’s mission and raised the School’s profile in politics, public administration and civil society throughout Germany. He was a strong supporter of the School’s mission “Understand today. Shape tomorrow.”, with a keen interest in the next generation of policy leaders. He sought to enrich the School’s discussion culture and actively worked for the common good. 

“Professor Biedenkopf played a critical role in guiding the Hertie School while he chaired our Board of Trustees. I was impressed especially with his active engagement with faculty. He cared deeply about the link between the people and politicians, and he wanted to engage with faculty on how best to strengthen this link”, said Mark Hallerberg, Acting President of the Hertie School. 

"Professor Kurt Biedenkopf was a leading figure in public and political life in Germany for decades. He accompanied the Hertie School with dedication for many years and had a decisive influence as Chairman and then Honorary Chairman of the Board of Trustees. We mourn the loss of Professor Biedenkopf", said Frank Mattern, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Hertie School.  

"Professor Kurt Biedenkopf had close ties to the Hertie Foundation and its causes, so we were all the more pleased to be able to win him over to found and help shape the Hertie School. His great experience as a politician and his understanding of civil society brought valuable impulses for the establishment and further development of our University for Good Governance, which continue to have an impact. We are very grateful for his many years of great commitment," said Bernd Knobloch, Deputy Chairman of the Hertie Foundation and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Hertie School. 

With the passing of Kurt Biedenkopf, the Hertie community has lost a strong advocate and visionary friend. On behalf of the Hertie School Board of Trustees, the Hertie School Leadership, the Hertie Foundation and the overall Hertie community, we are deeply grateful for his long-term commitment and offer our sincerest condolences to his family. 

A small recollection of memories of Kurt Biedenkopf at the Hertie School since 2003: