In the media

Germany’s Finance Minister still won't shake the debt brake, says Andrea Römmele on ARD Morgenmagazin

Christian Lindner is increasing national debt while avoiding breaking a major campaign promise, she explains.

The German government is currently discussing its annual budget for 2023. In the broadcast of ARD Morgenmagazin from 22 November, Hertie School Professor of Communication in Politics and Civil Society Andrea Römmele commented on the German Minister of Finance Christian Lindner’s recent announcement not to add to the national debt – Germany’s “debt brake” (Schuldenbremse).

“Maintaining the debt brake was Christian Lindner's big campaign promise – his red line, which he is still reluctant to cross,” Römmele explains. “He’s indirectly increasing spending via special funds, but he still doesn't want to shake his campaign promise.” For Lindner’s economically liberal Free Democratic Party, a balanced state budget is a key priority. Despite all this, the Finance Minister is still planning a threefold increase of Germany’s debt.

Watch the full video clip on Tagesschau (in German).


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More about our expert

  • Andrea Römmele, Dean of Executive Education and Professor of Communication in Politics and Civil Society