
Everything you need to know about the Executive MPA Admissions Interview

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The second stage in the Executive Master of Public Administration admissions process is an interview. Read on to find out more.

There are three steps in the Executive MPA admission process:

  • First, we assess the application documents submitted via our online portal;

  • Second, applicants who advance to the next step take part in an interview with a member of the admissions committee;

  • Third, the application and interview are discussed among all committee members, who make a final decision.

The admissions committee consists of Executive MPA faculty members, the Director of Curricular Affairs and the Manager of the Executive MPA, all of whom are very familiar with the contents and teaching modalities of the programme.

Here are some tips for the interview:

Aside from being a formal assessment, the interview is meant to be a personal conversation about your motivations and aspirations. The interview usually revolves around your work experience so far and your expectations towards studying in the Executive MPA, but often also includes current topics of interest and an exchange of points of view.

Another topic of discussion usually is whether your employer is supporting you in pursuing a master’s degree, and whether the full- or part-time option is more suitable given your work and life circumstances. If you have applied for a scholarship, you will likely be asked about that too.

The interview’s general purpose is to add a third dimension to every application and should give every applicant more direct insight into what the Executive MPA has to offer. It is also the perfect opportunity to address any open questions for committee members and applicants alike.

Should you prepare for the Executive MPA interview? As it will mostly deal with topics you are familiar with, there is no need for any specific preparation. It is certainly a good idea, however, to reflect on your own motivation for the Executive MPA beforehand.

Some guiding questions could be:

  • What do I want to achieve with the Executive MPA?

  • What experiences and services do I expect from the programme?

  • What perspectives am I bringing into the programme and how will others benefit from my expertise?

  • How will studying integrate with other commitments I have?

  • How can I finance the study programme?

  • What do I still need to know about the Executive MPA before making a decision?


Check out the admissions requirements for the Executive MPA and don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at empa-admissions[at]hertie-school[dot]org if you have any questions.

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