
You're invited: The European energy crisis. Taking stock and looking ahead / 20 January 2022

European energy markets are in turmoil. Natural gas prices have increased 12-fold within the year, and there is a real possibility of physical shortages towards the end of the heating season.

Following suit, wholesale prices for electricity trade four times higher than during the all-time high during the 2008 commodity craze. Expect huge energy bills, large bankruptcies and an intense debate around energy poverty. And brace for more trouble if Putin invades the Ukraine.

To elaborate on those challenges, the Centre for Sustainability hosts a fireside chat with Prof. Lion Hirth and Simon Müller, Director Germany of Agora Energiewende.

The event will take place online via Teams, on 20 January 2022, at 2.00 PM CET.

Please register online by 19 January 2022 at the latest.