
You're invited: Protecting vulnerable households in the energy crisis / 5 April 2022

Skyrocketing energy prices affect households across Europe dramatically and spread social unrest in Spain and elsewhere.

More is to come: the strongest impact will be through natural gas prices, and wholesale price movements are often transmitted to retail tariffs only with a few months delay. Last week, the German government has decided on a compensation package involving a 300 Euro cash payment and a subsidy of gasoline. How can and how should we help households weather the energy crisis?

As a guest, we welcome Matthias Kalkuhl, the main author of arguably the best empirical study on that matter in Germany (read more).

The event will take place online via Teams, on 5 April 2022, at 12.00 PM CET.

Please register online by 4 April 2022 at the latest.