In the media

New publication in Nature Energy cited by top government officials and media outlets

The study on gas savings during the 2022 energy crisis was cited by Minister Robert Habeck and multiple media outlets, including Tagesschau, Deutschlandfunk, ZDF and more.

Following its publication in Nature Energy, a study by Centre for Sustainability researchers entitled “Natural gas savings in Germany during the 2022 energy crisis” has been cited by top government officials and media outlets in Germany. The study, which was co-authored by Dr Oliver Ruhnau, Clemens Stiewe, Jarusch Müßel and Prof. Lion Hirth, shows that gas consumption private households, industry and power stations in Germany fell by 23 percent in the second half of 2022.

Coverage and public discussion of the study has included the following:

Centre for Sustainability researchers have been actively contributing to the German and European energy crisis response since early 2022. The publication of this research in a leading journal and the interest shown by elected officials, media, and the public reflects both the academic excellence and policy relevance of the co-authors’ work.

The study is available at Nature Energy.