Research event

Inclusivity norms to counter societal polarisation

A presentation by Oliver Christ (FernUniversität Hagen). This event is part of the Political Economy Lunch Seminar (PELS).

In the wake of contemporary societal challenges including the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, migration, and gender inequality, we can observe increasing polarisation driven by contrasting and often conflicting opinions around these issues. The present research explores ways to counter the challenges associated with societal polarisation by considering the potential of (perceived) social norms that promote equality-based respect, dialogue, and unity (inclusivity norms). We propose that inclusivity norms can enhance tolerance and the willingness to engage in contact and cooperate with members of opposing groups. At the country level, we assess whether the differences in perceptions of inclusivity norms covary with documented differences in the extent of polarisation across various European countries as well as other macro-level indicators (e.g., social inequality index; Gini index). At the individual level, we examine the associations between inclusivity norms and various intergroup attitudes and behaviors. Considering both the individual and the country level, this research seeks to offer novel insights into the power of inclusivity norms to move beyond mere tolerance, ultimately countering the negative consequences of societal polarisation and strengthening social cohesion in polarized contexts. We will present results from a cross-sectional survey across various European countries (12 countries, each N=1000).


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