Student event

Meet the Centre for International Security

Are you part of the Hertie School community and want to learn more about the Centre for International Security, its mission, and our research activities? Join us for a get-together and meet our team. We look forward to seeing you!

The Centre for International Security at the Hertie School provides a hub for those interested in the study and debate of the complex security challenges facing the 21st century. 

Our research focuses on four distinct areas: 1) Grand strategy, 2) Nuclear policy, 3) State and non-state actors and 4) Digital technology and security. Through academic research, teaching and public outreach, we aim to prepare the next generation of creative thinkers in the field of security and create impactful policy on a broad scale.

In 2020, we established the Wolfgang Ischinger Award in honour of our founding director. This annual prize is awarded to the Hertie graduate from the last cohort who wrote the best Master's Thesis on a topic in International Security. We will honor this year’s winner during this event, and share details about our upcoming events this semester.


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