Student event

Interview research: “Just talk to people?”

Workshop with Hertie School Visiting Professor Layna Mosley (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill/Hertie School).

Many aspiring researchers would like to conduct interviews for their theses. But few know how to do it. Unfortunately, interview research often receives little focused attention in graduate training. Is interviewing merely talking to people? How can you best prepare for your first interviews if you haven’t done it before? Is it just learning by doing? When are interviews useful for your research? How do you collect and report data? What is a good sample?
In this workshop with Hertie School Visiting Professor Layna Mosley, we would like to explore some of these issues and discuss challenges that you encounter in your own research. Please bring your own questions! This workshop aims at MIA, MPP or PhD students who would like to use interviews in their theses but it is open to everyone.

Layna Mosley is Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her research and teaching focus on the connections between the global economy and domestic policy choices and outcomes. She is the author and editor of numerous articles and books, including an edited volume on Interview Research in Political Science (Cornell University Press, 2013).
Please register by sending an email to Nicole Brünner: bruenner[at]hertie-school[dot]org