For prospective students

Info session for prospective students and Helmut Schmidt applicants

Meet the Hertie School's admissions team at Hacienda Covarrubias.  

Meet the Hertie School's admissions team and DAAD representatives at Hacienda Covarrubias (access through Calle Gobernador José Gómez de la Cortina #19, Esq. Gobernador José Guadalupe Covarrubias) to learn more about the Helmut Schmidt scholarship programme, our graduate programmes, application process, financial aid and how the Hertie School can help you acquire the tools you need to effect positive change in the public, private and non-profit sector.

If you are interested in attending, please send your full name and email address to Lorena Ramos (ramos[at]hertie-school[dot]org). 

Registration on a first come, first served basis. Please note there are 20 spots available.