Public event

Growing up as a migrant: What do children of immigrant families need?

Durchdacht. The political talk at the Hertie School with Irene Gerlach (Chairman, Scientific Advisory Committee for Family Affairs at the Federal Ministry of Youth, Family, Women and Health), Sabine Andresen (Professor at the Goethe-University Frankfurt), Gabriele Gün Tank (Integration Commissioner in the district of Tempelhof-Schöneberg), Michaela Kreyenfeld (Professor of Sociology at the Hertie School), Yigit Muk (Author of the book 'Muksmäuschenschlau'), Katharina Spieß (Head of Department Education and Family at the DIW), and Sabine Walper (Director of Research at the German Youth Institute and Professor for Education at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München). Moderation: Harald Asel (Inforadio rbb). 

The event is hosted in cooperation with Inforadio rbb.