
Master’s thesis poster exhibition winners 2017

Sarah Worthing, Mark Hallerberg (MPP and MIA Director and Chair of the Poster Jury), Andrea Gemovic, Rafael Schmuziger Goldzweig and Dinah Schmechel

Congratulations to the winners of this year’s MPP and MIA master’s thesis poster exhibition.

On 18-19 May, all graduating Master of Public Policy and Master of International Affairs students presented their thesis projects in a poster exhibition. A poster jury awarded prizes for the three best posters, and the winners were presented by MIA and MPP Director Mark Hallerberg.

And the winners are …

  • Andrea Gemovic | Leadership by Policy Diffusion: An Assessment of Los Angeles' Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policies | Advisor: Christian Flachsland
  • Dinah Schmechel and Rafael Schmuziger Goldzweig | Deciphering the Populist Playbook in 140 Characters: A Cross-Country Analysis of the Patterns of Twitter Use by Populists | Advisor: Andrea Römmele
  • Sarah Worthing | Synergising Divergence: How Policy Labs Drive Public Sector Innovation Among Dissimilar Institutional Logics | Advisor: Johanna Mair

Students worked on their theses for the past five months under the supervision of a Hertie School faculty member. The master's thesis is an independent research project in which students apply the theoretical and methodological knowledge acquired in their studies to a practical policy problem relevant to their study programme. One objective of the master's thesis is to make use of the insights the students have gained in their studies for a practical institutional purpose.

Dinah Schmechel and Rafael Schmuziger Goldzweig
Mark Hallerberg congratulates Sarah Worthing
Klaus Hurrelmann and Axel Baisch
Wolfgang Ischinger